Sunday, January 7, 2007

We're expecting!!

This might be a long post...

We found out two days after Thanksgiving that I am pregnant!! Definately a honeymoon baby. I will be 12 weeks on Tuesday, January 9th, with a due date of July 24th. So far, it's been quite a rollercoaster. For some reason, it seemed like as soon as I took that test everything changed. I started having to go to the bathroom a lot more, nothing sounded good to eat, I started becoming moody... (Ok, Chad will disagree with me on this, he would probably say that I should edit that last one to say "MORE moody"... but I'll just leave it the way it is. ;o) and I think my belly looks bigger. I still wear the same size that I did before but I feel like I look different. Jeans are definately more flattering than the clothes that I wear to work... I think I should wear them everyday. Oh, and why do my boobs need to grow even bigger than the melons that they were before? My back was already hurting me, but now, my back AND my boobs ALWAYS sore. The only other thing that has been a little strange is that I feel sick if I have ANYTHING sweet. Everyone keeps telling me that mint chocolate chip icecream will help me feel better... well, it doesn't. It's SWEET. I even felt sick after I drank a Propel last week. I'm safe with bread... it's the only thing that tastes good to me right now. Luckily, knock on wood, I haven't gained any weight since my appointment a month ago. We'll see what their scale says when I go in on Wednesday... but we all know that those scales at the doctor's offices never tell you the truth!! ;o)

Chad is super excited, more than he was about the wedding or the honeymoon (I think I might be pushing it a little too far about the honeymoon part, after all, it is a honeymoon baby!!) but he's definately excited. He's going to be an awesome dad. It's so neat to watch him playing with kids, he gets so into it. i.e. New Years Eve... we went to TJ (Chad's brotha from anotha motha) and Jenn (one of my three Arizona sister)'s house to hang out. For about 45 minutes, he and Matt (TJ and Jenn's 5 year old son) were tearing around the house chasing eachother with Nerf guns. Let me tell ya, he worked up a sweat. I don't know what he's going to do if we have a girl first, he's so used to playing rough with the boys!! Unfortunately, we won't be able to find out for another month or two if it's a boy or girl... we are trying to be patient.

The cool thing is Jenn's sister Amy (Arizona sister #2) just had a baby boy named Connor on December 29th AND Jenn is due in early February. So, we're taking in all of their stories. PLUS, Amy is a delivery nurse at the Chandler Hospital, so hopefully she'll be able to help deliver the baby!! It might be a little weird to have her looking at all of the stuff that goes on down there but atleast she'll be able to tell me (a couple days later...) what exactly happened. And, it's not like she hasn't seen it all before. There's no way that Chad will be at that end of the table, he'll be holding my hand sweating like crazy and I'm sure he'll be crying for joy and because I'll be squeezing his hand so hard. I'm a wuss, I don't even like shots... let alone something like this!!

More updates to come...

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