Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Only three more months to go!!

I did the "dreaded" Glucose test today, I'm not quite sure why I let everyone get me all worked up about it... it really wasn't that bad!! The only kind that they had was orange and it tasted like orange pop with a little bit of an aftertaste. We had to wait an hour and then they drew blood... which for some reason wasn't that bad either. Maybe I'm not quite as big of a wuss as I thought I was. Well, okay, don't quote me on that one yet, we'll wait three more months and I'll have Chad give you an update. ;o) Now we are going to start having doctors appointments every two weeks instead of once a month!! If you ask me... I think the next three months are going to fly by!!

We also went and did our 4-D ultrasound today!! Chad and I decided that she's going to have my attitude and his looks. She's definately a cutie (like her dad!) but she was being really stubborn and had her hands and/or arms in front of her face throughout about 98% of the appointment!! We were pretty bummed... she couldn't really get any good pictures, but here's one that turned out ok. We're going back for a re-do on May 10th. She should be more chubby by then too!! ;o)

Brynn's room is ALMOST done. We went to Ikea on Saturday and found a dresser for her, it matches the rest of her furniture pretty well so we were pretty excited. We got our carpet installed last week and Chad put in the new baseboards yesterday, so it's looking great in there!! Here's a little sneak preview of a few things that Chad has done, it's looking great!!

This is her coat rack... but for now it's a hat rack since she's not going to need a coat for a while!!

I now have an addiction... it's shopping for little girls clothes and accessories!! Everytime I go to the store, we hang up a new little dress in the closet!! Along with dresses, she has two pairs of sunglasses and a little bikini!! This is so much fun!! Today we also went through some of the stuff that we're borrowing from friends and thanks to Jenn and Amy, I think we're set on onezies until she's ready for 3-6 month clothes!! We didn't realize the collection we had going!! I think I should probably be buying diapers instead of dresses but they're not quite as fun...

Chad is also taking a big step... he's starting school to get his CDL on Saturday!! His class will be EVERY Saturday and Sunday for the next 8 WEEKS (10 HOURS EACH DAY!!). We're super excited about this (other than the fact that I won't see him during the day on the weekends but he gladly pointed out to me that I could do laundry and clean the house while he's gone to keep myself busy!!) THANKS Babe... He should be completely done with the classes on June 17th, which is just a little over a month before Brynn is due. We're just hoping that she doesn't decide to come out too early!! This should be a good career move for him, with lots of new opportunities heading his way!! ;o)

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