So, as we all know, I've been ready (along with Chad!) for Brynn to make her appearance for quite some time now. (Even though we know that Brynn hasn't been ready, like I've said before in most of my other blogs, I don't have much patience...)
Anyway, back to my story...
Over the last two weeks, quite a few guys have told me that their wives have taken a tablespoon of Castrol oil and that put them into labor... A few women have told me the same thing too. Someone even recommended it to us when we were at the car show on Saturday! So today, Chad and I were talking about it while he was on his lunchbreak, he called to see how I was doing. I told him that I thought we should try it and we were cracking up because he said that he thought we had some in the garage... but I told him that I wanted some "fresh stuff", not the 200 degree stuff that we had out in the garage!! (Yes, I am still cracking up as I type this...)
So after we got off the phone, Chad told one of the guys that he works with that he was going to pick up some Castrol oil after work so that I could take a tablespoon full and hopefully it would put me into labor! Dennis started cracking up and Chad this was the rest of their conversation:
Chad: "What?! Everyone has told us that it works!"
Dennis: "It's not CASTROL oil, it's CASTOR oil" (but when he said it, it still sounded like Castrol... )
Chad: "Yeah, that's what I said!"
Dennis: "CAST-ER OIL"
Chad: "Ohhhh.... I'd better call Amanda to let her know!"
I had a voicemail from Chad explaining the difference... so I went to Walgreen's website to see what exactly this stuff was... Chad picked some up on his way home.
CASTOR OIL (read the fine print, "Stimulant laxative, for the relief of occasional constipation"):
Chad found a bottle of CASTROL OIL in the garage, this is what you are NOT supposed to drink.I hope that story made you laugh, there's no way that I could have made that one up!! I told Brenda about it earlier today and she said "DO NOT GO TO CHECKER'S, GO TO WALGREENS!"
So, with this CASTRO OIL, along with all of the water that I am drinking, I have been in the bathroom A LOT tonight. (Including the two times that I went while typing this blog!)
Here's a prego picture that Chad took today... I'm exactly 39 weeks today, her due date is a week from today!
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