Well, last night when I got home, Chad was feeding her baby food and she was just not in the mood for it (if you know Brynn, you know that's totally not like her, she LOVES food!). He gave her a bath and while we were getting her ready for bed, we noticed that she had a rash over most of her body. We gave her some Benadryl and put her to bed, checking on her a few times throughout the night.
This morning, she still had the rash but it wasn't as bad as what it was last night. We took her to daycare, asked Brenda to keep an eye on the rash and to call us if it got worse. I got a call at about 11:30 (or so?). Brenda fed her while she was only wearing her diaper, so that she could keep an eye on the rash. She said that it seemed to get a lot worse after she ate. Luckily, Chad was able to leave work to take her to the doctor.
We found out that she had contracted a virus sometime late last week or over the weekend and this was what was causing her runny nose, occasional fever and fussiness. Apparently it wasn't her teeth. When I got home, Chad gave me the full scoop. He said that Dr. Salek told him that the rash was a "fever rash" and was a sign that her body was fighting off the virus. Ok, then. I've never heard of a fever rash before. Basically, he told Chad that there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to teething. A runny nose and a fever shouldn't be considered signs of teething either.
Whew. I was afraid that they'd have to do allergy tests or something on her to figure out what wrong. Because it's a virus, we can't give her anything for it and she'll get over it on her own.
She's actually doing a lot better tonight. She got a really good nap in this afternoon (so did Daddy!!) and I'm sure that helped a lot.
A few more updates:
* Brynn now weighs 19.5lbs!! (Watch out Jenna, she's catching up!!)
* She has learned to give hugs and kisses!! She has two versions of kisses... one, she looks like she's going to lick your face off and two, she actually puckers up her tiny little lips!!
* (You can skip reading this one but I wanted to document it anyway.) Um, she rolled OFF THE BED last week. I've hesitated to post on this because it makes me feel like a horrible mom. I left the room and she rolled right off the bed. It scared her more than anything, she yelled "Dada!" (um, yeah, not Mama!!)about two seconds before I heard a loud THUMP! and a SCREAM! I ran in, picked her up and told her everything was ok. Tough little girl didn't even cry, she was more scared than anything!!
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