Saturday, June 14, 2008

Go get a fire extinguisher for your car... and have some common sense.

A long one.

Today we went to Jared's to have some of our jewelry cleaned and as we were pulling onto the little side street off of the main road to get in to the parking lot, we saw a conversion van on the side of the road. We looked closer and noticed that the van had just started to catch on fire as we passed them. Chad got out his phone and we called 911. We parked at Jared's and Chad backed in the van (in a parking spot out of the way) so he could keep an eye on everything that was going on. I let the people who were standing around the van know that we called 911 and that they were on their way, I asked if everyone was ok and if they needed anything and they said no, they were ok, thanks. In the meantime, one of the guys that was in the van grabbed a big 5 gallon water jug and tried to put the fire out. It didn't work. The fire started to spread fast. Another guy was pulling stuff out of the van (a lawn mower and other landscaping tools) and Chad yelled "Get the hell out of there!!". The guy didn't realize how fast the fire was spreading.

I went inside to drop off my jewelry but as I walked in the front door, everyone that was working in the store that wasn't already with a customer started hovering at the front windows and doors of the store. I heard one of the ladies that works there say "Yeah, they've been broken down for atleast an hour out there!!" One of the ladies that was at the maintenance/repair customer service desk where I needed to drop the jewelry off saw me walk up to the counter, made eye contact with me and then went to the window to watch. What the hell?! What kind of crappy customer service is that?!?! Seriously about a minute later, a manager walked by as he was looking out the window, and I asked him if I could get some help. The eye-contact girl came out, still gawking at the fire and didn't say anything. I told her because they were so busy watching the fire, I would be right back. I went to check on Chad to make sure that everything was ok and then I checked on the people who were in the van again to see if they wanted any water or anything. They said that they were ok. NO ONE that works inside that damn store went to check to see if they were ok. The only employee that went outside was one who needed to move her car!

Chad said that he saw the coolest thing while I was in finally getting the jewelry taken care of (after I went back into the store)... he said some random lady pulled over and gave one of the guys standing by the van a hug. How neat is that? There were also lots of other "Looky-Lou's"... like you'll see in the video that Chad took. The lady in the black outfit was the Jared's employee who was going to move her car.

I'm just annoyed that no one even talked to these people to make sure that they were ok besides me. Seriously, I was watching!

After I came back out from the store, we headed to WalMart and we picked up some fire extinguishers for our cars. Better safe than sorry.

This is the second car fire that I've seen, (the first was in Ohio) and about the 12th time I've called 911 since I've lived in Arizona.

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