Monday, January 11, 2010

Exciting News...

We're moving!!

We're heading out to the country! Kind of... more like the middle of the desert!!

We want to buy another house, we're talking about buying out in Queen Creek. It's a smaller town, southeast of Mesa. I lived in QC several years ago and really liked it. Back then, the main roads to get to and from QC were only one lane each way. I drove ten miles to the grocery store. There was no pizza delivery.

Times have changed. Now, there are two lanes of traffic, plus turning lanes. Grocery stores, WalMart and Target have been built. There's a Papa John's now. All of this has changed in five years.

I never thought I'd move back, but the housing market has really taken a turn and there are a million houses for sale in QC. Chad's never lived so far out of town before, so we thought we'd rent there for a year or two and if we like it, then we'll buy.

The people that we are going to rent from have two other rental houses in the same neighborhood. Our friends are actually renting out those two houses, so we'll know our neighbors!! That's how we found out about the house that we're moving in to. It's probably close to 2000 square feet, 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, with a three car garage. It's more like a 3 1/2 car garage though. It's HUGE.

I grew up in a small town and moved to Mesa when I turned 21. Over the last couple years, I have really missed that small town feeling. Chad's from Westminster, CA which is jam-packed with people, so he's never experienced it before. I think this will be a pretty good test for both of us to figure out where we'd like to raise our little family.

We've put a deposit down, turned in our notice to the landlord of the house that we're living in now and we're planning to move at the end of February. We've even started collecting moving boxes. Here's to a new adventure for the West family...

Wish us luck!!


  1. Yea, I know this is something you have been wanting to do for so long. If we could have sold our house, we would have bought a house out there a few months ago. Smoken deals to be had out there.. My dr. lives next to a $295.000 house that they had dropped the price to $154.000. 4 bd 3bath 2300 sq ft. on a huge corner lot. yea like we need that much of a house but for that much money, hell yea.. gone now but we really gave it some real thought..
