I broke our camera.
I grabbed it off of the counter and the strap caught the corner of the counter and the camera WENT FLYING out of my hand. Now it's stuck on "video" mode and it's a mess. Parts of the plastic don't line up anymore either.
Luckily, we were smart and bought a four year warranty that is supposed to cover pretty much everything.
Our camera has had a pretty good life, we've taken 7994 pictures and videos since we got it, about three weeks before Brynn was born. I think it's held up pretty well so far.
We're heading to Best Buy tomorrow to see what they have to say... hopefully we can get a new one instead of them trying to fix it.
***UPDATE 4/28***
We dropped the camera off at BestBuy and they said that it could be around a week and a half to two weeks before we hear anything. Because of our warranty, they could either a) fix it or b) let us have a comparable camera from what they have in stock at the store. They don't sell Kodak cameras there anymore, so I'm not quite sure what we're going to end up getting. Chad had his eye on a $1400 Digital SLR but he knows he's nuts and there's no way we're getting one right now. It was awesome, but it's not in the budget. I can't believe they have 14 megapixel cameras now. Ours was a 7.1.
I'm thinking about getting a cover for mine... it's in my hobo bag I bought out there and it always falls out of the inside pocked into master chaos!